For a man the age between 20 and 30 years is the best, his testosterone is at its highest levels, his sexuality touches “red” and his body is strong and muscular, full of strength and energy.
However, what happens as the years go by?
From the age of thirty to thirty-five (30-35) and onwards, the drop in testosterone production begins to be felt in the daily life of men, from his sexual performance and his physical condition to their mood and mental clarity.
It should be mentioned here that after the age of thirty (30) and for each year of every man’s later life, the produced testosterone is reduced by 1%.
Arriving at the age of fifty-five to sixty (55 to 60), the man has lost almost 50% of his testosterone and the consequences are great and important for his life.
TestoPrime is a natural supplement that can stimulate the body’s natural production of testosterone and “renew” every aspect of the daily life, in sex, sports, work, mental efficiency and psychology. Even at a general level of health.
According to, Testoprime is the Best Testosterone Booster in the market.
TestoPrime | The supplement and manufacturing company
Do you feel strange when you hear the term “testosterone supplement” and start sweating?
You should not be.
Let us first clarify this point: TestoPrime supplement is not a chemical preparation containing synthetic hormones.
It is a completely natural nutritional supplement of herbs/vitamins/nutrients enhancing in the most natural and “friendly” way the natural production of testosterone in the man’s organism (and specifically by his testicles and adrenal glands).
Unlike synthetic hormones, the TestoPrime supplement does not require a prescription, does not pose a risk and does not cause any side effects.
It is a 100% natural proposal for stimulation and renewal of the male organism for top performance in the gym, in bed, at work and in everyday life.
A big misconception we have to clear up about testosterone boosting supplements, however, relates to their use for a target group.
Many people believe that these supplements are aimed at only three (3) categories of men:
- bodybuilders
- men with sexual dysfunctions
- the elderly
Nevertheless, this is completely wrong.
Natural testosterone supplements are essentially “multivitamins” specifically aimed at boosting testosterone production and male enhancement.
They prevent the aging of the male organism or help to treat the symptoms of an already “aged” and low testosterone male organism.
TestoPrime is one such specially designed nutritional supplement of the highest quality addressed to every man of the age of thirty (30) and over.
It is all-natural, vegan-friendly, with no GMO’s and synthetic stimulants, with no banned substances and dangerous chemicals and finally with no soy and addictive/carcinogenic/toxic elements in its composition.
It holds FDA and GMP certifications for its production and is prepared only in approved facilities by experienced staff.
Manufactured by the giant company in the field of nutritional supplements Wolfson Brands (UK) Limited, is a legal/safe/effective proposal for every modern man who does not want to let time and youth go away.
Company data – Communication
Wolfson Brands (UK) Limited
12 Payne Street
G4 0LF
United Kingdom
Company Registration Number: SC638930
Phone: +1 929 2424275
Testo Prime – A Brief Presentation

- It is a legal (vegan) testosterone boosting diet supplement, with all the certifications required by law.
- It is 100% premium natural and does not require a prescription.
- It does not cause any side effects and is suitable for use in a stack with other products even for long periods.
- It does not contain any chemical hazardous prohibited substances and is not detected in anti-doping controls.
- It contains 12 premium vegan carefully selected ingredients in approved and clinically tested dosages.
- It holds FDA and GMP certifications for its facilities and production process.
- The genuine TestoPrime supplement is only available at its official website.
- Available for orders from all over the world, with free shipping.
- Accompanied by a money-back guarantee with no time limit.
- Available in multi-purchase packages with very affordable prices, only via its official website.
Finally, to whom is TestoPrime addressed to?
As mentioned earlier, TestoPrime is not a medicinal product.
It is a 100% natural dietary supplement of natural testosterone not requiring a prescription and not intended for the treatment of any pathological condition.
This is very important to be understood by everyone.
It is a natural product available for natural stimulation of the male organism, without interfering with its hormonal balance with dangerous chemicals.
It is a health aid for adult men of all ages and especially for men aged thirty (30) years and over.
It is addressed to every modern man feeling tired, without interest, with decreased libido, sexual problems, poor physical condition, reduced physical endurance and strength, with difficulty concentrating, with “blurred” thinking and problems at work, with increased physical fat and body weight and reduced muscle mass and energy loss.
TestoPrime therefore is addressed to every man facing “difficulties” in his daily life (in any area) due to the reduced androgens.
TestoPrime – Key Benefits
- Stimulation of libido.
- Enhancement of sexual drive.
- Muscle strengthening.
- Stimulation of athletic performance.
- Improving physical endurance.
- Muscular reconstruction.
- Weight management.
- Reduction of body fat.
- Fights sexual dysfunction.
- Enhances focus.
- Improves the cognitive function of the brain.
- Speeds up the metabolic function of the organism.
- Fights the feeling of fatigue and loss of energy.
- Stimulates psychology and mood.
- Acts as an anti-ageing factor.
- Prevents various age-related diseases (and therefore reduced testosterone).
Detailed composition (as indicated on the package)
- D-AA (D-Aspartic Acid) (2,000 mg)
- Panax Ginseng (8,000 mg)
- KSM 66 ® Ashwagandha Extract (668 mg)
- Fenugreek Extract (800 mg)
- Green Tea Extract 70% Catechins (4,000 mg)
- Garlic Extract (1,200 mg)
- Pomegranate Extract 40% Ellagic Acid (360 mg)
- Black Pepper Extract 95% Piperine
- Zinc (40 mg)
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin B5 (8 mg)
- Vitamin B6 (5.6 mg)
Basic Information / Tips
TestoPrime supplement contains only high quality natural (vegan) ingredients that were selected in scientific research and clinical trials.
People with health problems or persons taking any medication should not use TestoPrime (or any other dietary supplement) without medical consent.
The TestoPrime supplement should not be administered to underage boys (except on medical advice). Read more on this Testoprime Review
People with food allergies or intolerances require special care before using the supplement.
Never exceed the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.
The TestoPrime supplement can also be used in combination (in a stack) with other sports supplements for maximum benefits.
The organism easily absorbs all the ingredients of TestoPrime supplement, in order to give the maximum benefits in the minimum time and without side effects.
Why do I trust TestoPrime composition?

At TestoPrime you will not find any dangerous/doubtful/addictive/toxic substances at all.
Only top quality natural ingredients as vitamins, precious minerals and trace elements, nutrients and powerful antioxidants supporting man’s sexual health and general health at every level.
It is a modern nutritional supplement for male sexual health and sports stimulation, offering huge benefits with its highly studied composition:
- general health and wellness benefits
- fitness benefits
- sports benefits
- sexual benefits
- spiritual benefits
- mental benefits
The synergistic action of the twelve (12) capable natural ingredients of TestoPrime – ingredients given in the maximum allowed, safe & clinically tested dosages – makes this testosterone booster stand out among many.
Key ingredients and action
D-AA (D-Aspartic Acid) (2,000 mg)
D-AA – also known as aspartic acid – is a non-essential amino acid (since the body itself also produces it).
However, it may not belong to the “non-essential” amino acids for the organism in general; but especially for the production of testosterone, its presence is extremely essential.
D-AA plays a very important role in the process of synthesis of testosterone, while it has a strengthening effect on the athletic stimulation of the body and the improvement of its physical performance.
In TestoPrime D-AA is contained in a really large and effective dose of 2,000 mg.
This dose is able to offer a huge boost in the process of testosterone production and a shocking rejuvenation in the male organism, in terms of his sexual and general health.
Warnings / Contraindications
It is important that underage boys do not use D-AA during their developmental period.
Their normal testosterone levels are already at their maximum and taking the supplement can lead to severe hormonal imbalance in the teen’s organism, a manifestation of serious side effects and developmental problems.
Panax Ginseng (8,000 mg)
The next ingredient is Panax Ginseng, at an astonishing dose of 8,000 mg playing a key role in the action of the supplement and its effective ability.
Panax Ginseng is today one of the most popular health nutritional supplements and has become synonymous with health, wellness and most importantly endless energy, physical and mental.
It contains a wide variety of very powerful ingredients called panaxosides and ginsenosides with a strengthening effect on the organism and mind.
Panax Ginseng is an “adaptogenic” herb, promoting the homeostasis of the organism (its ability to maintain a stable environment internally, not changed by external conditions).
This is consistent with a smooth functioning of the organism, even in extreme situations like those of hard workouts in the gym.
Warnings / Contraindications
Although Panax Ginseng is generally a 100% safe herb even for long-term use, which does not cause any side effects, however, some people in a very small number may experience sleep disorders from the intensive and high use of the tonic herb.
People with sensitivity to caffeine (and stimulants in general) should not consume Panax Ginseng in combination with coffee or other stimulants.
KSM 66 ® Ashwagandha Extract (668 mg)
KSM 66 ® Ashwagandha Extract is one of the key ingredients in the TestoPrime supplement, an extremely concentrated and enhanced form of the Ashwagandha herb, patented and with extreme effective ability (supported by clinical studies).
It is also an adaptogenic herb ensuring the smooth functioning of the organism in general at all levels.
One of the main reasons you will find it in many male enhancement supplements is its high anti-ageing/antioxidant power.
Especially its use by men (and women) of thirty (35) years and over is really extremely beneficial.
However, the huge benefits of the herb are not limited to the sexual sector.
On the contrary, it offers a very positive effect on the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the immune system.
It stimulates good psychology, improves the cognitive functions of the brain and generally keeps the body young and functional at all levels.
By boosting, the production of testosterone, KSM 66 ® Ashwagandha Extract, offers the male organism extra anabolic power for workouts that are even more demanding and even greater muscle gains.
Warnings / Contraindications
An overdose of the herb KSM 66 ® Ashwagandha may lead to serious gastrointestinal disorders.
Fenugreek Extract (800 mg)
Fenugreek or Trigonella is one of the supplements that gained publicity in recent years.
It is very common in male sexual enhancement and anti-sexual dysfunction supplements (such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation), even found in male sports supplements as it boosts testosterone production and increases the organism’s anabolic activity.
The herb Fenugreek has many and very important applications in the general health of men as well.
From the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the cognitive functions of the brain to the control of blood sugar levels, Fenugreek plays a catalytic role in their outcome.
Warnings / Contraindications
People with previous allergic reactions to seeds should not consume it and people with high blood sugar or people with diabetes should not use it.
Green Tea Extract 70% Catechins (4,000 mg)
The next ingredient is the Green Tea Extract with 70% Catechins.
In the TestoPrime supplement, you find it in a dosage of 4,000 mg… one of the highest dosages found in dietary supplements.
Green tea is undoubtedly the number one antioxidant ingredient of recent years and a secret of anti-ageing/longevity/wellness.
Promotes a healthy body weight, acts as a fat burner and enhances the good mood/psychology of the user.
Green Tea Extract 70% Catechins (very high in catechins) works as a booster for the cognitive functions of the brain, enhancing memory and preventing the degeneration of brain cells.
Warnings / Contraindications
Its use by people with high sensitivity to stimulants can lead to side effects such as headache/dizziness/stomach dizziness/gastrointestinal disorders/sleep disorders/nervousness/aggressive behavior.
Garlic Extract (1,200 mg)
The misunderstood garlic is extremely beneficial to health.
Science now considers it as a superfood and a secret of longevity, while we now find it in many nutritional supplements as a health ingredient.
The main reason for finding it in the formula of ingredients is its high antioxidant power.
With the high number of powerful antioxidants contained, it fights free radicals and prevents the aging of the male organism.
It also has a strong aphrodisiac effect and seems to improve libido.
Warnings / Contraindications
Overdose of Garlic Extract can lead to severe liver damage and intoxication.
Where does the TestoPrime supplement base its action?
As already mentioned, TestoPrime is a testosterone booster, a natural preparation stimulating the natural process of the male organism to produce testosterone.
It has nothing to do with anabolic steroids, hgh supplements and artificial hormones.
It is a natural nutritional supplement of twelve (12) specially selected premium natural ingredients proven to stimulate the male organism, enhance libido, improve athletic performance and promote muscle rebuilding in the body.
All twelve (12) components of the supplement are hyperactive, given in the maximum safe dosages based on scientific evidence.
Therefore, the action of the TestoPrime supplement is based right there, on science.
Its twelve (12) active ingredients offer a perfect synergistic action leading to the renewal/strengthening/reconstruction of the male organism, internally and externally.
One of the largest nutritional supplement companies in the world signs this sophisticated TestoPrime ingredient formula, this being certainly a good reason to select TestoPrime.
Statistics and numbers
One of the reasons I really believe in the effectiveness of TestoPrime is its clear and informative website.
Highly informative for the supplement and its composition, it offers scientific data and not speculation.
Therefore, let’s talk in numbers.
TestoPrime achieves a real natural increase in testosterone production of up to forty-four per cent (44%).
It can also achieve a significant reduction of oxidative stress (up to seventy-one point six per cent (71.6%)), muscle strengthening and increase in muscle mass (up to one hundred and eight point seven per cent (138.7%)) and loss of body fat (up to sixteen per cent (16%)) .
There is no doubt that TestoPrime is a unique health and rejuvenation supplement for every man over the age of thirty-five (35) feeling the daily charge on him and his body changing.
Instructions for safe use of TestoPrime
Let’s start by clarifying that TestoPrime is a nutritional supplement taken as a supplement to the user’s daily meals and does not replace them.
It is a supplement of 100% natural composition, completely safe, not causing any side effects.
However, even the most “natural” ingredients can be dangerously misused.
For this reason, the company has given clear instructions for use of the supplement for avoiding risks of overdose and serious side effects.
According to the manufacturer, a daily dose of TestoPrime is equal to four (4) capsules, taken (all together) once a day, just before breakfast (about twenty (20) minutes before).
The company recommends the supplement not be used immediately after eating, as it can cause stomach upset and digestive disorders.
It is extremely important that the natural TestoPrime supplement be administered according to the recommended daily dose set by the manufacturer (resulted from a variety of clinical trials).
It is also very important to use the supplement consistently daily and not to miss doses.
However, if you miss a dose, you just move on to the next one.
Nutritional supplements work best when taken regularly, as their natural ingredients work best over time cumulatively.
This is why for real benefits from using TestoPrime it is recommended to use it for a minimum of thirty (30) days.
We – based on personal experience – recommend using the supplement for a period of a minimum of two (2) months to experience the benefits by 100%.
Is there a risk of side effects?
TestoPrime is a completely safe, legal, premium and 100% natural nutritional supplement.
However, despite its excellent quality and all-natural ingredients, TestoPrime can cause serious side effects if misused.
Excessive intake of even the most nutritious ingredients can be very unpleasant and with many side effects.
TestoPrime supplement – as already mentioned many times and above – contains the maximum amount of active ingredients for daily intake (amounts obtained following scientific studies).
An overdose of the supplement would therefore lead to an overdose of many of its key components and thus to many different possible side effects.
More specifically, an overdose of zinc, for example, could increase the chances of serious urinary problems in the future.
An overdose of garlic extract would lead to heartburn and nausea.
Panax Ginseng in large quantities has been associated with sleep disorders, problems with blood sugar levels, severe headaches and loss of appetite.
Fenugreek can cause diarrhea, nausea and a large drop in blood sugar levels.
D-AA can affect metabolism, while pomegranate extract can cause serious stomach upsets.
Is there a risk of Interaction of TestoPrime with other substances/supplements/medicines?
In general, TestoPrime (like all dietary supplements) is best not to be used in case of health problems or medication, at least not without the consent of your doctor.
Garlic extract, for example, may increase the risk of bleeding, so it should not be used by people who have recently had or are about to have surgery, or by persons who are taking blood-thinning medications.
The Panax Ginseng found in high doses in the TestoPrime supplement may interact with blood pressure medications, statins and some antidepressants.
Zinc can then inhibit the action of certain antibiotics.
It is generally advisable to consult your doctor before starting a new supplement, especially in the case of pre-existing health problems, heredity in serious diseases or medication.
TestoPrime – Purchase and price

The best place to buy the original TestoPrime supplement is its official website.
It offers the most affordable prices compared to other places on the internet, offers great multi-buy offers, and guarantees you a refund.
Do not forget that there are many imitators out there with preparations of dubious quality and effective ability.
Even in a large and reputable retail store such as Amazon, it is possible to find products packaged and marketed similar to the original supplement, but NOT THE AUTHENTIC!
By purchasing many packages together in one order from the official website of, you can save a lot of money.
Besides, the company, to eliminate the risk, offers a money-back guarantee.
You can return any packages not opened and request a refund (100% of the amount minus shipping costs).
The TestoPrime supplement is covered by a lifetime money-back guarantee (this is an option provided for purchase only via the official website).
If you order the supplement from a third party seller or generally from anywhere else (even Amazon), you will not be able to claim a refund.
TestoPrime is a natural testosterone booster, a supplement with plenty of herbs, vitamins, beneficial minerals and other nutrients promoting men’s health and sexual/physical/mental/psychological benefits.
It is a premium product supported by clinical data and has all the required safety certifications required by law.
Third party tests performed according to the regulations ensure the quality of the supplement and its ingredients.
The company makes sure to use only top quality ingredients.
Especially for a modern busy man, TestoPrime is the ideal choice for natural stimulation.
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The information does not constitute advice or an offer to buy. Any purchase made from the above press release is made at your own risk. Consult an expert advisor/health professional before any such purchase. Any purchase made from this link is subject to the final terms and conditions of the website’s selling as mentioned in the above as source. The Advertising Agency and its downstream distribution partners do not take any responsibility directly or indirectly. If you have any complaints or copyright issues related to this article, kindly contact the company this news is about.